DWICA AFB Windrush 75th Event 25th June 2023

For several years now, DWICA and the Assemblies of the First Born (AFB), have remembered the arrival of the Windrush Generation to the United Kingdom with an annual Service of Thanksgiving and reception. To mark the 75th Anniversary of the Windrush Generation arrival, we decided to put on something a little extra this year, resulting in a day of celebrations. The event started with a service at the Holy Trinity Church, London Road, which was supported by dignitaries and guess speakers including Mr James Stafford, Deputy Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Mrs Patrice Laird Grant, Acting High Commissioner for Jamaica, Rt Hon. Dame Margaret Beckett MP, and Bishop, Dr Desmond Jaddoo, Chairman of the Windrush National Organisation.

Dr Desmond Jaddoo, Chairman of the Windrush National Organisation, speaking at the Windrush 75th Anniversary event.
Mrs Rose Jack being interviewed by Des Coleman

DWICA and Assemblies of the First Born (AFB) 75th Windrush

Celebrations – Church Service

Members of the audiences

Following the service we moved to our community centre for a Sunday dinner, and an afternoon of activities to celebrate the contributions the Windrush Generation, and their descendants, have brought to Derby and the country. The entertainment included a parade of national flags, a steel ban, cultural dancing by young people, and discussions with elders reflecting on their memories and experiences of making life in a new country.  

El Eaga Choir from Leicester performing at the Derby West Indian Community Centre.


There were two centre piece items for the day. Firstly, we had a demonstration from a play called, Echoes of the Front Room by Voices of Vision, which centred on a typical West Indian family making their way in 1960s Britain. To bring the event to a close we then had the nationally acclaimed El Eaga choir from Leicester, who lifted our spirits with a selection of gospel favourite’s which had everyone singing, clapping and dancing. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.