Privacy Policy

To meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Derby West Indian Community Association (DWICA) privacy notice outlines how the organisation manages, stores, uses, and shares your personal information.

When DWICA processes your personal data, it is acting as a ‘data controller.


What personal data the organisation collect and how it is used


The person data of individuals that is DWICA collects and processes from members / non members and the general public includes:

    • Names

    • Addresses

    • Telephone numbers

    • Email addresses

    • Financial details

    • Employment details and educational details

    • Family details

    • Visual images

We also process sensitive personal data, or ‘special categories’ of data, which includes:

    • The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which will ensure DWICA make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children.

    • Offences (including alleged offences).

    • Criminal and legal proceedings, outcomes and sentences.

We also process personal information to help us to carry out our duties that has been agreed with individual to aid their personal development.

We do not sell personal information to anyone and only share it with third parties who are delivering our services.


Why DWICA collects and use your personal data (the legal basis)


We may process your personal information for at least one of the following reasons:

    • You have given your consent to us using the personal information in that way, for example, where you sign up to our e-newsletter.

    • Our use of your personal information is necessary to carry out a contract or take steps to enter into a contract with you.

    • Processing your personal data is necessary to perform a public task, which is carried out in the public interest.

    • We need to process your personal information to comply with relevant legal or regulatory obligations, which may include making reports to the authorities or government departments.

What are cookies and how do you use them?


A cookie is a small file that is stored on your computer. There is no cookie data analysis undertaken when on the organisation’s website. This means no data is collected and processed that monitors how individuals use DWICA website.

How DWICA shares your personal information

We may need to share your personal information with other organisations.

Where such sharing is necessary, we will comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on data sharing.


Your rights to your personal information


You have the following rights to your personal information:

    • The right to request access to your personal information.

    • Information relating to DWICA use and processing of your personal information.

    • The right to request that DWICA restricts its use of your personal information.

    • The right to receive your personal information in an easy to read format (hard copy or electronic / digital) or transmit the data directly to another Data Controller.

    • The right to object to the processing of your personal information for certain purposes such as direct marketing and profiling.

    • The right to request your personal information to be erased where it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

    • The right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information where the processing of your data is based on consent.

You can make these requests or withdraw your consent by sending an email or writing to the Data Protection Officer (at the organisation’s address as detailed below)


How long DWICA keeps your personal information for?


The organisation will keep your personal information for no longer than necessary, taking into account the following:

    • The reasons why DWICA is processing your personal information, for example, if we need to keep it to fulfil a contract.

    • Whether the law requires the organisation to continue to process your personal information, for example, if a law says DWICA have to keep records.

  • Whether the organisation have a business reason to continue to process your personal information.

How DWICA keeps your personal information safe


The organisation takes appropriate measures to:-

    • Secure your personal information.

    • Protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing.

    • Against accidental loss.

    • Destruction or damage.

Additional measures to keeping personal data safe will include:-

    • Using secure servers to store your personal information.

    • Use encryption technologies to encrypt confidential data in transit and at rest.

    • Verifying the identity of individuals that access your personal information.

    • Providing access to the minimum personal data necessary, using appropriate restrictions and making the data anonymous or unidentifiable whenever possible.

Transfer of your personal information to other countries


Personal data will be transferred only on the individual request and a consent form must be signed in advance of any data being submitted to third parties in other countries.

Data will only be transferred if adequate safeguards are used to secure the data.


How you can contact us


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints on how we collect, handle, store or secure your personal information, contact our Data Protection Officer:


Data Protection Officer
Derby West Indian Community Association
Carrington Street


Telephone: 01332 371529

Email the Data Protection Officer 


Individuals also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):


Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Telephone: 0303 123 1113 / Visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website


DWICA recognises that it is important to review this policy to ensure the organisation is GDPR compliant therefore will review this policy on a regular basis.